Download Now: Our big Spring Catalog 2024 with 50 Selected Facsimiles on Offer!

Just in time for Pentecost, we would like to present you with this year's Spring Catalog of 50 selected facsimiles that we have carefully compiled for you. Discover great masterpieces and small gems of book art as well as unique testimonies of history!

In our Spring Catalog 2024 you will find, among others, new publications such as the Jena Martyrology by Belser-Verlag as well as sought-after rarities such as the Black Prayer Book of Galeazzo Maria Sforza with the teardrop-binding of 1930 or the Michoacán Relation.

Discover book art from almost all periods and genres of the Middle Ages and the early modern period, including an early treasure from the famous Abbey of Montecassino – Hrabanus Maurus‘ De universo or De rerum naturis – as well as splendid Ottonian codices in gold and purple, such as the Sacramentary of Beauvais and the Codex Caesareus Upsaliensis.

Romanesque book art is represented, inter alia, by the intriguing St. Petersburg Bestiary, while the artistry of the Gothic period can be marvelled at in some magnificent codices, including for example the Morgan Crusader's Bible, the Grandes Heures du Duc de Berry and the unique compendium Alexander Romance - The Travels of Marco Polo from the Bodlein Library. The document collections Trial Against the Templars and Secretum Templi II provide a special insight into one of the most legendary events of the Late Middle Ages: the fall of the Knights Templar. In addition, masterpieces such as the Grimani Breviary and the Barberini Book of Hours for the Use of Rouen bring the refined art of the Renaissance to life.